The Wickford

Photo Aug 05, 12 06 15 PM.jpg
Photo Jul 31, 9 09 23 AM.jpg
Photo Aug 05, 12 06 15 PM.jpg
Photo Jul 31, 9 09 23 AM.jpg

The Wickford


Wickford mat, 34”x14” and made from 3/8” Manila.
“Mats are used aboard ship for chafing gear. They are nailed to the deck at gangways, thresholds and companionways, and where needed, to rails and spars. They are employed to take up the thump of jib sheet and traveler blocks and they appear slow and aloft wherever wear or galling is to be expected.” Clifford Ashley; and from one sailor to another, D Zachorne has brought this old time custom ashore for you to protect your front door .

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